Serializing A Novel / Petals, ch. 1

(crossposted from Patreon) Laurel can make the flowers bloom—what a useless talent. It’s never helped him while he was an orphan confined to toil in the muck and murk of the imperial army, until the emperor’s peerless granddaughter snatches him up as a chess piece of her own. A tool. A scholar. The youngest court […]

New Patreon tiers and an ~extra~

I got my brain back from the war! Kind of! I’m working on un-neglecting my Patreon page, and I renamed all of my support tiers some incredibly goofy shit. (Why is the first tier so expensive? Because Patreon eats things in fees, but you can actually pledge any amount you want.) I started writing a […]

A happy story

Research again. This time coming by just to drop off something I found while reading. From the Wikipedia page on kitsune: “Come back when you please; you will always be welcome,” is so specifically lovely. I hope you’re all well, wherever you are.