Fairytale Shenanigans

I was rereading some parts of Fairytale the other day, and I have three quick thoughts before I lose them:

  • For a while now I have wanted to write a harem AU of the Fairytale boys.
  • Also what if I wrote a silly little Kindergarten AU. Just think of Xiao Yu sharing his juicebox with Kiki.
  • A friend told me I should design a Charm lightstick, and that sounds extremely fun.

Thank you for everything, grandma.

I spent a lot of time with my family this weekend, and I went to my grandma’s funeral yesterday. I might have something to say about that… later.

I wrote a story about her, and it means a lot to me. I’m not quite sure if I feel like sharing it yet.

I’m kind of negotiating the balance between public and private life.

You probably didn’t know her, but my grandma was named Beverly, and I swear to god there was no one in this world like her. She could have talked the sky green. She was a little bit magic that way, she could talk to anyone about anything, make things possible that weren’t before, just by connection.

My dad is so much like her. He says I am, too.

I’d really like to be. I don’t think I am yet, but maybe I’m a baby bear growing into what it’ll one day be.

I feel like I have some big shoes to fill because the world seems smaller without her.

But all that’s for later. There are things I’d like to do, and be, and become, but today feels like a day for tender-hearted grieving, still. The words are coming slow. I am fully about to go get some McDonald’s about this as part of my campaign to be kind to myself as much as anyone else.

Take care of yourselves out there.

red envelopes for the wrong new year

Happy New Year, friends.

I hope your New Year’s Eve was lovely. Mine was uh… loud. The place where I live is surrounded by neighbors setting off fireworks for miles, all of it shooting up into the sky like a long-distance conversation of noise and light.

I also got co-opted for a neighbor’s drum concert, set live in a storage closet, fog machine and strobe lights included. Like I said—loud.

  • I posted an AU of an upcoming book on AO3 yesterday: Safe to Hold.
  • And idk if anyone here partakes in Amazon, but if so, The Electric Hymnal is free until January 4th. aka the one with the Catholic incubus. This book has always been kind of an unloved little duckling, but it still has a soft spot in my heart.

Thanks for sticking by me through another year. I really hope 2025 is the best year to come for all of us. If you’ve fought your way through 2024 tooth and nail, I hope you get some well-deserved rest. And if you’re tired of resting and ready to shake things up, I hope 2025 gives you plenty of opportunity to do the things you care about.

Love you! See you in the new year <3