close up photograph of two person holding sparklers

Happy New Year

I’m thinking of a song I can never find on the internet, a kind of lost track by Stars, whose music sort of defined my youth. Anyway, it’s a song called London Fields. Particularly, I’m thinking of this line that goes, “I dream that you’ll seal my fate, save me just a little late, that in the yard you’ll kiss me hard and tell me you’ve been waiting.”

It just seems fitting to carry with me into the new year for some reason.

I don’t have any big, definitive new year’s resolutions for this year. Of course, there are things that I want and things I hope to achieve, but it feels good to keep them to myself for now. Small seeds need darkness and warm care to grow.

But something I can share… I’m thinking of something Felix (from Stray Kids) said in one Bubble voice message. I think about it off and on these days. It was something along the lines of, “I hope we can keep walking slowly in the direction of our dreams this year,” and yes. That’s what I want for all of us.

I’m feeling nervous, tentative, but hopeful about the year ahead. However the first day of 2024 finds you, I hope we can all face the year ahead with courage and openness.

I hope good things come our way.

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